From spring to autumn, here you will find rare and precious flowers. Among the most spectacular flowers are crocuses, dandelions, daffodils and globe-flowers. Here there are also heather, Turk's cap lily, yellow gentian, cyclamen, pink wild lily, and lady's slipper. In the mountains grow rhododendron and edelweiss.
In the forests you can see mainly spruces and beeches, while in the mountains there are larches and firs. Among the bushes there are pine, juniper, hazel, and blackthorn. The underwood vegetation is very rich and looks like a charming carpet: you can see ferns, mosses, lichens, and a lot of kinds of berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries. The vegetation of peat bogs in Marcésina Valley is very peculiar: some areas are even protected for conservation of rare plants, including some ancient relics of the glacial period, such as carnivorous plants Drosera rotundifolia and Pinguicola alpina.
It is also important to mention the incredible mushrooms you can find on the Plateau: delicious porcini and morels, as well as beautiful amanita muscarie (inedible) and many other species.